

by admin on Dec 20, 2022


Hair extensions represent the possibility of showing off our hair with the perfect length and volume in just a couple of hours, without waiting long years for our hair to grow and although one of the main factors to achieve the dream look is to choose very well the quality of the extensions that you are going to use, there are also other factors, no less important, that make your hair look very natural and truly spectacular. That's right, to show off your dream mane, in addition to selecting excellent quality human hair extensions, you must make sure that you use the correct amount of hair. Which is determined by several factors, one of them, the length of your natural hair.

Hair above the shoulders?

If your hair is short (above the shoulders) you must be especially careful when selecting the amount of hair you are going to use, because unlike long hair, you will need many more extensions to mix it correctly and show off a homogeneous hair. Remember that the success of the extensions is to ensure that no one notices that you are using them. Ideally, the ends of your own hair should be covered as much as possible by the ends of your extensions. It won't look good if a layer of your natural hair sits on top of a layer of long extensions. Except for the front part where you can use your own hair to shape the hairstyle and wear it as a fringe, cap or a shorter cape. Additionally, remember to also add some layers of hair on top of the ears, this will make the hair on the sides look very natural. We hope these simple tips can help you and thank you for reading the entire blog, we write them with love for you, if you have comments or suggestions, you can write us at the bottom. And well, now that you know, make sure you buy enough hair, remember that a bad choice can reveal your best kept secret to everyone!